Monthly Archives: October 2015

Joseph Company 10

City Transformation: Raising up the Joseph Company

  • Pray that the love, power, and truth of God would be revealed to many through the lives of the Joseph Company, so that many will give Him the honor and praise that He is due.

In the book of Genesis, we read how God strategically positioned Joseph in the government of the most powerful nation on earth. Through that position, God protected the people he had chosen as his own, the family of Jacob/Israel. But not only did he save his people from starvation, he provided a means to save the lives of thousands upon thousands of other people. God takes no delight in suffering and death, even for those who are his sworn enemies. He is extravagant in giving and his love knows no bounds!

In our day, God is raising up a Joseph Company, men and women who hear from him, show us how to prepare for the future, and put in place the means to provide for billions of the people who now live on planet earth. This week we are praying for the Joseph Company in our city and region.